This is my friend! He will be our special guest during this week!
I won't tell you what's his name, where's he from...
You must ask questions to our guest, okay?
He's logged too, so it will be easy for him to answer you!
Teacher: Adriana Zardini - Basic 3 and 4 Classes - 2nd Semester, 2007. CENEX - UFMG - BRAZIL.
Hi guy, I'm Ana Júlia. I'm a student of english basic.Where are you from? You don't seem to be american...
During the week we'll talk more ok! bye...bye
Hi guy!
How are you?
I'm student of english basic and, as you know, I'm student of Adriana's class!
What is your name??
Where are you from??
During this week, I'll try to talk more with you, because I work and study. So, I don't have much time to access the blog every day!
where are you from?
I now you aren't brazilian and how do you know my teacher Adriana?
well I'm studing english, I'm in the basic level 4 and I hope this conversation improve my english.
And I'll try access this page more time to talk you.
Hi Ana , realy pleased that you left the comment for me.
My name is Akram Mustapha, i am 30 years old , Egyptian .
nice to talk to you, For any farther Question don't hesitate to ask or visit my Blog Romantic poems & stories.
Hi Bruno Carvalho , realy pleased that you left that comment for me.
My name is Akram Mustapha, i am 30 years old , Egyptian .
nice to talk to you, For any farther Question don't hesitate to ask or visit my Blog Romantic poems & stories.
Hi Caroline , realy pleased that you left the comment for me.
My name is Akram Mustapha, i am 30 years old , yes I'm not Brazilian , I'm Egyptian .
I had the honor of knowing Adriana from a site for friend all overthe world and felt the pleasure of knowing such a Decent Brazilian Lady.
nice to talk to you, For any farther Question don't hesitate to ask or visit my Blog Romantic poems & stories.
Thanks everybody for your questions! And Thanks a lot our new friend: Akram!!!
Please, keep writing questions to him ok?
See you Adriana!
For all charming Brazilian Prince and Princess in the class of the Queen Adriana , that is the link of my log hope you enjoy it.
I think you are very funny...You are Egyptian, I love Egypt, in a day I'll travel to visit Cairo. I think that is wonderfull the politics Egyptians histories. Do you work with accounting and write novels and poems?? It's wonderfull. I saw in your blog that you like latin music. Me too. I love cuban musics. Do you like cuban music? And You already traveled for Brazil sometime? For finally, what's your religion?
Tomorrow we'll "talk" more. bye!
Hy Akram!
I think that Egypt is fantastic!
I love the stories that I learned in History! Beside this, the culture is amazing!
I really loved your blog about romantic poems! And you write so well! I think that write poems in English is so difficult, and you put rhyme in one of them such as the poem called "Suddenly"!
I think that talk with you can be a good way to improve my English and I hope that you can understand what I say!
Did you come to Brazil??
See you!
Ana Júlia and Bruno thanks for your comments and questions!!
Dear Ana ,
first Egypt wil be honored for your visit, and will e great pleasure to have you all for a vacation in Egypt one day,
second : i like Cuian music too,
third : i own an import and export co. in same time i love reading and writing so much, hoping that you like my writing too.
fourth : my relagion is Islam.
fifth: i'd love to visit razil one day, it is one of my dreams.
bye for now and thank you for your Questions
Akram, tell us more about Cairo. Is where do you live, right?
I can figure out how wonderful is live in a city with lots of historical places!
Dear Bruno,
first: Egyptian History and culture is so great and i am gald that you are interested and Egypt will be honored for your visit one day, and will be great pleasure to have you all for a vacation in Egypt one day,
second : thanks for your sweet comment on my poems , and i am very happy that you liked them, and i will post more hope you like them too.
third : Writing is not so difcult, you must have to things plus talent,1) you must have a lot of words knowledge,2)express your feeling and emotions don't ever hide them... in other words feel what you are going to write and live in it.
Fourth: i'd love to visit Brazil one day, it is one of my dreams.
bye for now and thank you for your Questions
Hi Akram,
I'm Fernanda and I 'm Adriana's student too.
Now I know a little from you, but we want to know more.
Are you a writer or write for a hobby?
Hi Mustapha!
my name is Giselle.I'm student English Basic at Cenex-UFMG in Brazil. Where you live?I liked your poem. Very romantic. Do you Know Brazil?
Hi Fernanda,
I'm glad that you a little about me , you can ask any question and i will answer it.
I Write as a hobby but i will be publishing soon.
thanks for askin fernanda, waitin for your next question.
Hi Giselle,
You have a nice name, and i'm so happy that you read my poems and you like them , i will post a new poems later.
I live in Cairo - Egypt, and i know alot aout razil and i like it so much, hope that i will visit one day.
Hi Shakespeare, I'd like to you tell us: do you like some brazilian poems or writers? Who do you know and enjoy? (sorry for my bad English)
Hi again,
So, what do you do apart from writer?
Are you married?
Hi mr.Mustapha,
I'm like Egypt too, it's a great country with a great culture. Do you like to see or to play soccer? which team of soccer you like?
See you!
Hi Filipe,
Thanks for your sweet words about my country,and i will be delighted to have you and your friends and your teacher to visit it one day.
About football , i have a question do any one in the word can say that he do not love your Brazilian National team , i love them very much , and i love to play too, See you!
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