One of interisting topic to talk is movie. I'm a fanatic of this topic.
My favorite movie is The fabulous destiny of Amelie Poulain, it's a French film. It's a real and simple storie. It's amazing.
I usually watch Europeans films: Spanish, England, Italian and French films, but sometimes I watch American too.
One of my favorite directors is Almodovar and Wood Allen.
When I have time I watch 1 movie per day, but sometimes I only watch 1 or 2 movies per week.
If you want a company to go to the cinema, call me.
Tell us wat is your favorite and style of movie.
Wow Fernanda!! Such a nice idea!!
And Amelie P. is a great movie!!
This movie is really interesting just because is French movie!! I don't see many French movies, but this is a good option if you want to enjoy a different kind of movie. Fernanda, I as I could see we have much more in common that we think, havent' we?
Some comments about your post:
The picture of Amelie P. is great, with green the colour of our blog! Thanks!
Some spelling corrections:
.... are movies...
..... English...
....are Almodovar and Wood Allen.
... what is your ....
use genre in order to use style. ok?
My favorite movie is "Notting Hill" with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. I had seen some movies with Hugh Grant, but in this movie he's fantastic! And Julia too! :)
I have the cd, the videotape and want to buy the dvd soon. The soundtrack is wonderfull! I really like it!
If you want to read more about it, check this link:
To see the trailler: http://www.notting-hill.com/media/index.html
correct link to see the video:
I love Amelie too.
I´ll be back, teacher!
Hi Denise,
you are welcome to our blog!!
See you !!
Hi Adriana.
Do you watch the movie "Fauteuils d'orchestre" (Um lugar na Platéia)?
It's beautiful. I recommend. Bye.
I didn't see this movie... Thanks for you suggestion Geovane!
Oh, you must see "Not one less" from the Chinese director Zhand Yimou, the same of "House of Flying Daggers" and "Hero". It's simplily the best movie I ever see. It talks about a little Chinese girl has to teach in a small countryside "aldeia" of China because the official teacher has travel to see his mother who is dying. He proposes the girl: if when he comes back no one student gives up to go to school, he will give her a some cents. But a student goes to the city try to get a job, and the little teacher has know to find him and bring him back. That's a wonderful adventure. I recommend it.
Luiza, I will take a look in this tip! thanks!
I love histories movies. Actually my favority is Blood Diamond. It was directed by Edward Zwuick. The actors are Leonardo Di Caprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou. It was based in the Sierra Leone Civil War in 1999, the film shows a country torn apart by the struggle between government soldiers and rebel forces. The title refers to blood diamonds, which are diamonds mined in war zones and sold to finance the conflicts. The history is true. The africans live this situation!!!!
Ana Julia, I will take a look in this cd when I go the blockbuster near my house!
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