Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Welcome on board!!

Hi guys!! This is our space to share ideas, to keep in contact and learn english!!!

See you,

Adriana Zardini


Anonymous said...

Problably our English in this semester will be better.
That's all folks

On Friday 17th August ____ The Simpsons Movie!!!!!

Adriana Sales Zardini said...

I hope so! This will be a good opportunity for you practice reading and writing. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Yes, certainly.

I was reading a book this week and I didn't found this words in the dictonary: dandy and poseur.
Someone knows what is it?

I'd like to ask if do you know about a good grammar to study English? Because I stopped to study English and now I'm having some troubles.

Daya!!!!!! said...

Hi people!

I changed my Enghish class for tuesday and thursday but I want talk here with you if there aren´t problems!

Good class for you tomorrow!!

Adriana Sales Zardini said...

Hi Dayana! there is no problem if you stay with us!!

AJL said...

Class I had a idea...and I think it'll be very good. We will create a history...
I'll write a paragraph and someone will have person will be continous what someone wrote fisrt. ok! We will probably write more and practic our english ok! And if it stay good we will publish a book...rsrsrsrs..
I'll invent something and someone will continous this history..ok!

AJL said...

Clara was a girl that live with her mother in a small house in a suburbs of a big city. She studied in a poor school...she was a very bad student. She didn't have money to buy the books than she couldn't study so much.

Now someone has to continous this history...

Adriana Sales Zardini said...

Ana Júlia, let's create another tópic right?

Simone Teixeira said...

Olá Adriana!

Sou Simone co curso de tecnologia na sala de aula. Li sua mensagem e resolvi entrar para visitar seu blog. Está bem bolado!
Parabéns. Vou indicar para os colegas de Inglês, certo?

Simone Teixeira